we all have a story

and it deserves to be heard.

& it deserves to be heard

we all
have a story


We are a team of registered dietitians determined to redefine what it means to take care of our bodies. We have witnessed and directly experienced the harms of diet culture and the misconceptions it perpetuates about nutrition and health. It disconnects us from our bodies and their innate wisdom while cultivating a storm of guilt and shame. You deserve to experience a more nourishing, flexible, compassionate way of being.

 Here at Redefined Nutrition, our mission is to provide a safe, non-judgmental space for individuals of all body sizes, abilities, genders, races, ethnicities, and life circumstances to discover a more peaceful relationship with food and their bodies.

who we are

we believe

Nourishing your body does not have to be complicated

We don’t fail diets. Diets fail us.

health is not one size fits all 

Your health and worthiness are not determined by your weight 

How we feel about our eating patterns is just as important as what we eat

Food is allowed to be enjoyable

Amber young

Founder | Registered Dietitian

Registered Dietitian

Amanda averett

meet our team

meet our team

kind words &
Redefined stories

With nutrition therapy, I have learned to love myself for me. I no longer look to a number for validation. I give myself permission to enjoy life and that might mean eating foods I enjoy and exercising less.

kind words &
Redefined stories

I leave nutrition sessions feeling good about myself and knowing that with each session I learn to love myself a little more. 

kind words &
Redefined stories

I leave nutrition sessions feeling good about myself and knowing that with each session I learn to love myself a little more.

kind words &
Redefined stories

Amber praises and acknowledges my successes and helps me see what I need to work on in a very compassionate way.

kind words &
Redefined stories

Amber praises and acknowledges my successes and helps me see what I need to work on in a very compassionate way.