Hi there! I am so happy that you found this space. I am the founder of Redefined and a dietitian that is fiercely passionate about supporting individuals as they heal their relationship with food and discover body acceptance through a weight-inclusive, neuro-affirming, non-diet approach. 

My journey here began with my own eating disorder that steered me into the nutrition field; however, it was my recovery that ignited the desire to walk alongside others in their path to liberation. I redefined my relationship with food and my body by moving towards my authentic definition of health, rather than the one sold to me by our ever pervasive diet culture. 

As a late-diagnosed ADHDer, I understand the unique challenges that make it difficult to keep ourselves nourished. I know how neuronormative recommendations can truly miss the mark and leave us feeling defeated and ultra self-critical. You deserve to nourish yourself in a way that works with your brain - not against it. 

I believe that no one understands your lived experience better than you. My work with clients is collaborative, where I aim to turn off “expert-mode” and partner with your invaluable wisdom to explore tools and strategies to better nourish yourself. I value honoring your autonomy and am committed to incorporating harm-reduction strategies to better meet you where you are. 

In sessions, I offer compassion, humor and gentle guidance as I hold space for your story. I aim to show up as both a human and a clinician as we work together to free up valuable brain space for what matters most to you. I encourage clients to ditch judgement and lead with curiosity and self-compassion as we discover eating and movement patterns that support their physical, mental, and emotional well being - as they define it.

meet Amber Young, MS, RD, LDN

I am currently welcoming new clients!
both virtual + in-office availability

Hi there! I am so happy that you found this space. I am the founder of Redefined and a dietitian that is fiercely passionate about supporting individuals as they heal their relationship with food and discover body acceptance through a weight-inclusive, neuro-affirming, non-diet approach. 

My journey here began with my own eating disorder that steered me into the nutrition field; however, it was my recovery that ignited the desire to walk alongside others in their path to liberation. I redefined my relationship with food and my body by moving towards my authentic definition of health, rather than the one sold to me by our ever pervasive diet culture. 

As a late-diagnosed ADHDer, I understand the unique challenges that make it difficult to keep ourselves nourished. I know how neuronormative recommendations can truly miss the mark and leave us feeling defeated and ultra self-critical. You deserve to nourish yourself in a way that works with your brain - not against it. 

I believe that no one understands your lived experience better than you. My work with clients is collaborative, where I aim to turn off “expert-mode” and partner with your invaluable wisdom to explore tools and strategies to better nourish yourself. I value honoring your autonomy and am committed to incorporating harm-reduction strategies to better meet you where you are. 

In sessions, I offer compassion, humor and gentle guidance as I hold space for your story. I aim to show up as both a human and a clinician as we work together to free up valuable brain space for what matters most to you. I encourage clients to ditch judgement and lead with curiosity and self-compassion as we discover eating and movement patterns that support their physical, mental, and emotional well being - as they define it.

meet Amber Young

I am currently welcoming new clients!
both virtual + in-office availability

kind words &
Redefined stories

With nutrition therapy, I have learned to love myself for me. I no longer look to a number for validation. I give myself permission to enjoy life and that might mean eating foods I enjoy and exercising less.

kind words &
Redefined stories

I leave nutrition sessions feeling good about myself and knowing that with each session I learn to love myself a little more. 

kind words &
Redefined stories

I leave nutrition sessions feeling good about myself and knowing that with each session I learn to love myself a little more.

kind words &
Redefined stories

Amber praises and acknowledges my successes and helps me see what I need to work on in a very compassionate way.

kind words &
Redefined stories

Amber praises and acknowledges my successes and helps me see what I need to work on in a very compassionate way.